It is quite a task to get the right colour and shape in one go, but good dental veneers look just as natural as your teeth. Reversibility is an advantage of having veneers: it is almost always possible to restore your original dental situation. Dental veneers are made of two different materials: porcelain and composite.
Porcelain or composite resin veneers? This choice depends on your personal situation and wishes. We will gladly advise you.

A composite resin veneer consists of the same materials as a white filling. Using a composite resin veneer is a minimally invasive manner of rebuilding or correcting your teeth. We apply the composite directly to your tooth structure and sculpt it to correct your tooth. It is a chair-side technique, not requiring multiple appointments.
A major advantage of a composite resin veneer is that it is easy to repair. If the veneer breaks or discolours, we can apply a new layer of composite resin. If necessary, we can repeat the entire treatment.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells custom-made to fit on a tooth. To prepare the tooth, we remove a small layer of enamel from the front and sides of the tooth. Then we take an impression of the prepared tooth. The technician at our dental laboratory custom-makes the porcelain veneer to fit the shape, colour and size of your tooth. At the next visit, we clean the tooth and the veneer is bonded to the tooth.

A porcelain veneer cannot be repaired as easily as a composite veneer, if not at all.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our front desk by calling us on 010-4361604.


For the cost of a veneer, you can schedule a cosmetic intake with your dentist, who will provide you with a treatment plan and estimate.

Invoices must be paid directly after your treatment at the front desk either by pin or cash. Each patient requires its own specific treatment, therefore, costs per patient may vary. Prices are according to the Dental Care Performance and Rate Decision of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA), valid from: 01-01-2025 up to and including 31-12-2025.

We offer all dental treatments