The codes used for a check up:
C002 €28,83 Periodic check up
X10 €21,24 X-Ray
Most commonly used codes for dental care for children:
C002 €28,83 Periodical check up
C003 €28,83 Problem-oriented consultation
C010 €28,83 Written medical history
X10 €18,97 X-Ray
M05 €34,14 Slicing and or applying fluoride
The codes used for dental sealants:
V30 €34,14 Sealant on first element
V35 €18,97 Sealant on every next element in the same session
For fillings or fixing a filling various codes are used depending the used materials, anesthesia and areas to fill:
V91 €60,69 Single surface resin filling
V92 €79,66 Double surface resin filling
V93 €94,83 Triple surface resin filling
V94 €121,38 Multiple surface resin filling
C022 €15,17 Rubber dam
A10 €18,97 Local anesthesia
The codes that may be used for a dental extractie:
H11 €56,90 Extraction of tooth
H16 €42,48 Extraction of additional tooth, during the same session and in the same quadrant
H21 €7,58 Cost of suturing material
H35 €91,04 Complicated extraction of tooth with mucoperiostal fold
Voor een wortelkanaal behandeling worden verschillende codes gebruikt, onder andere afhankelijk van het aantal wortels zijn:
Most commonly used codes for a rootcanal treatment, depending on, among other things, the number of roots are:
E02 €53,11 Extended consultation root canal treatment
X10 €21,24 X-Ray
E85 €18,97 Electronic length measurement of the root
A10 €18,97 Local anaestethic
C022 €15,17 Rubber dam
E86 €102,42 Use of surgical microscope
E04 €59,92 Surcharge for the use of rotating nickel-titanium instruments
E13 €136,56 Root canal treatment per tooth with 1 root canal
E14 €197,25 Root canal treatment per tooth with 2 root canals
E16 €257,94 Root canal treatment per tooth with 3 root canals
E17 €318,63 Root canal treatment per tooth with 4 or more root canals
R31 €75,56 Filling material for the interior of the root
V91 €60,69 Single surface resin filling
V92 €79,66 Double surface resin filling
V93 €94,83 Triple surface resin filling
V94 €121,38 Multiple surface resin filling
The codes used for dental hygiene treatments:
Preventieve Mondzorg (M)
M01 €17,01 Preventive dental health information and/or instruction per 5 minutes
M02 €17,01 Evaluation dental hygiene per 5 minutes
M03 €17,01 Dental cleaning per 5 minutes
M30 €7,59 Treatment of sensitive gums and applying fluoride or chlorhexidin
M32 €22,76 Basic bacteriological test
M40 €18,97 Fluoridetreatment per jaw
A10 €18,97 Local anesthetic
A15 €9,86 Surface anesthetic
T012 €220,01 Examinination of the gums with a periodontical chart
T021 €40,97 Deep root cleaning, complicated per tooth
T022 €30,35 Deep root cleaning, basic, per tooth
T032 €136,56 Re-evaluation with a periodontical chart, after treatment of the gums
T033 €83,45 Extended consulation follow-up after re-evaluation
T042 €115,31 Consultation aftercare
T043 €153,25 Extended consultation periodontal aftercare
T044 €204,08 Complicated consultation periodontal aftercare
T163 €81,83 Application local medication
T161 €53,11 Bacteriological examination for treatment of the gums
T162 €102,42 Treatment abscess of the gums
T165 €75,86 Extended nutritional assessment
The codes used for at-home bleaching:
E97 €94,83 external bleaching per jaw (excluding laboratory cost)
E98 €48,00 whitening gel for at-home bleaching
The codes used for a cosmetic consultation:
C012 €136,56 extended consultation in order to make a treatment plan
Q0203 €169,38*
*this code belongs to internal technique cost and most of the time it will not be reimbursed
The cost for other treatments are budgeted to measure in collaboration with your dentist since every patient has a unique set of teeth and individual wishes.
Invoices must be paid directly after your treatment at the front desk either by pin or cash. Each patient requires its own specific treatment, therefore, costs per patient may vary. Prices are according to the Dental Care Performance and Rate Decision of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA), valid from: 01-01-2025 up to and including 31-12-2025.
We have a clear payment policy within our practice: payment is due after your treatment at the front desk either by PIN or cash.
TANDZORG.NL uses PIEN Support, a software that quickly and easily calculates your contribution to your treatment. This way our front desk can provide you with information about the reimbursement of your treatment or of the estimate that your practitioner has made for you. These amounts are always subject to change and no rights can be derived from it.