
To make your crown fit properly, the dentist removes the outer portion of the tooth. Then an impression is made to provide an exact model for the crown. This model is used to manufacture your crown using the latest techniques. Crowns are modelled and washed by hand in our dental laboratory by our porcelain technician John. The crowns are then pressed, finished and polished. You will get an temporary crown until the new crown is ready to be placed.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our front desk by calling us on 010-4361604.


The cost of a dental crown are between €800,00 and €900,00.

Invoices must be paid directly after your treatment at the front desk either by pin or cash. Each patient requires its own specific treatment, therefore, costs per patient may vary. Prices are according to the Dental Care Performance and Rate Decision of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA), valid from: 01-01-2025 up to and including 31-12-2025.

Dental Care for Children
At TANDZORG.NL we believe it is important to guide your child from an early age to take proper dental care, especially since their primary teeth form the basis of the permanent teeth.
Teeth Whitening
We use a teeth whitening tray system (at-home whitening) to whiten your teeth. The results of whitening your teeth depend on the natural colour of your teeth.
Cosmetic Dental Consultation
Most of us care a great deal about the appearance of our teeth. At TANDZORG.NL we like to create your perfect smile using healthy and save dental procedures.
Most people experience a diastema (extra space between two or more teeth) as disturbing between the two front teeth in the upper jaw.
Dental Veneers
If you want nice, regular teeth and braces are not an option, dental veneers are a good alternative.
Dental Bridge
A dental bridge fills the gap created by one or more missing teeth and is fixed on anchoring teeth on either side of the open space.
Dental Crown
Due to wear, accidents or tooth decay, a tooth may have to be replaced by a dental crown. A crown is a porcelain cap that we apply over a damaged tooth and is intended as a permanent replacement for the tooth.
Is your existing denture due for replacement? Our clinical denture technicians, Jane Simin or Ron van Kooten, can make a high-quality denture that is completely tailored to your wishes.
During contact sports and some ball sports, it is necessary to protect the teeth against impact. The stock mouth protectors that are available in stores offer insufficient protection because of the poor fit. It is important to have a good fit, tight around the teeth and partly over the gums (after all, the roots of the teeth lie under the gums), this ensures better protection.
An implant is used to support one or more false teeth. It is a titanium screw used to replace the root of a lost tooth in the jawbone.
Periodic Oral Examination
The dentist checks your oral health during the periodic oral examination
TANDZORG.NL mainly uses composite resin for filling a cavity.
Dental Sealant
Dental sealants are used to prevent dental decay. It is a painless treatment mainly used in children to cover the grooves and pits.
Dental Extraction
Extraction is the official word for pulling teeth. If it is technically and financially possible, TANDZORG.NL will initially focus on repairing and preserving your own teeth.
Root Canal Treatment
Teeth and molars consist of a crown and one or more roots. The roots are anchored in the jaw under the gums. In each root runs a channel: the nerve or root canal. This canal contains nerve fibers and small blood vessels. If this tissue is irreparably damaged, for example after an injury, or is inflamed, the dentist performs a root canal treatment.
Oral Hygiene
We have many different types of bacteria in our mouths. These also form on our teeth and molars. This is called plaque. If this plaque remains on the teeth and molars for a long time, it becomes tartar and cavities and gum disease can develop.